Victory: World War II, originally released as Victory: The Blocks of War, is a Block game published in 1998 by Columbia Games. It is a generic war game played on modular maps with World War II units. The game uses a stripped down Front system, with the whole command control element removed and simplified movement and unit production. Block sets for blue and red players and maps 1 to 4 are included in the base game. There are many supplements available, including basic block sets for four additional colors (black, orange, green, and gray), ten-unit elite sets for each color, maps with various terrain, and a logistics expansion which provides a twist on production and adds other strategic elements to the game. Expanded by: Victory: The Blocks of War – Additional Blocksets Victory: The Blocks of War – Elite Blocksets Victory: The Blocks of War – Extra Maps Victory: The Blocks of War – Logistics Set Victory FAQ based on info in the rules forum here and elsewhere. Reimplemented by: Victory: World War II – Second Edition published in 2019. Includes the Logistics Set and elements from the Elite Blocksets. Maps 1, 2, 6 and 7 are included
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